Bench at Dumfries Fountain

Lesser black-backed (Larus fuscus)

Last July, Becky and I find ourselves
hungry in Dumfries, decide to share
a toastie from Greggs
without much enthusiasm.

A seat near the fountain,
it’s dry and has a good view.
I’ve only had one bite,
when from behind

the whole thing is snatched
from my hand and carried
just feet away by a gull,
who defends it from all-comers.

My surprise is so great that I react
with a loud swear-word directed
at the winner of the toastie, much
to my teenaged daughter’s amusement,

embarrassment, and (she tells me now), terror.
She shares her half with me, while I
photograph the culprit, admiring
one of Dumfries’s amber-listed consumers.

Katy Ewing


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