Suspension Bridge

Suspension Bridge

Twin creatures of myth stand over the Nith,
behemoth legs mirrored on both burghs.
Bolted fingers hold the walkway to another land,
standing sentinel for generations,
irresistible flow under movable span.

Conjured into existence by the wand of Willet,
lacking the strength of its brethren –
beasts of stone, north and south –
his child cares not, suspended in silence,
elevated elegance displays no doubt.

Two hundred feet, two hundred years,
rust, renovation, storm and starvation,
staunch iron clog-rocked through history.
Drum beat from a hammer, breath of a furnace
with every sunset, Dumfries is burnished.

Luke McKay

SuspensionBridgeDrawingLuke - Copy
by Luke McKay
by JoAnne McKay
by JoAnne McKay

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